About Me

James Christopher Stuart

I'm enthusiastic and genuine about treating others and have a passion for life. I have an HND in Sports and Management, studied a BSc in Sports and Exercise Science, have a level 7 PGCE, and am qualified as a gym and fitness instructor.

I've undergone a life transformation, and Physio-Massage is a way to "Pay It Forward." I strongly believe in the mind-body balance connection to live a full, motivated life. Life is too short, and by looking inward, we can repair mental blockages, alleviate physical problems and open doorways in life we never knew we had or thought possible. 

Other interests include meditation, travel, writing (published author) and motivational speaking. I am a Bass and Tenor for a local theatre company. All was achieved with undertaking a comprehensive treatment plan and years of dedication.


So, please email me at Physio-Massage and let's get the most out of your treatments to empower your life to new levels. You are worth more than you know!

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